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Whey Protein and Fitness

by Piyush Thakur 19 Feb 2022
Whey Protein and Fitness

2.  High Protein Vegetarian Food Diet

  1. Protein is considered the building block of cells in the human body. Protein helps in growth and development. Being a vegetarian, it is considered to be very difficult to give your body the right amount of protein intake as required. We have compiled a completed list of high-protein vegetarian food that help you gain protein naturally and in a more healthy way.
    1. Tofu, Edamame:  Tofu is the pressed curd of soybean. Soybeans are the whole source of protein. It contains iron, calcium, and protein of 10-19 grams per 100 grams. They are used in salads, stir fry, and grain bowls to add protein.
    2. Lentils: Lentils are also known as protein powerhouses as they deliver proteins and fibers which are too needed for a healthy heart. A cup of cooked lentils have about 18 grams of proteins. Lentils are added to many dishes such as salads and soups for its benefits. They are rich in a few other components also like folate, manganese, iron, and antioxidants also
    3. Beans (chickpeas, black beans, etc.): Similar to lentils, beans also deliver a good amount of protein and are rich in plant-based iron. A cooked cup of beans has 15 grams of protein. Beans are added in dips, tacos, salads, and soups and they help in controlling the blood pressure, cholesterol, and belly fats.
    4. Chia seeds: This is called one of the superfoods which have all the 9 essential amino acids. They stabilize the blood sugar and contain fibers, protein, and fats in different ratios. The special type of omega-3s found in the seeds reduces the risk of heart diseases. These seeds can add to yogurts and smoothies.
    5. Hemp seeds: This belongs to the marijuana plants family and is obtained from the cannabis Sativa plant. These seeds have 10 grams of complete protein per 28 grams. They also contain magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, and selenium. These seeds are sprinkled in smoothies and homemade salads.
    6. Quinoa and Amaranth: Quinoa is slightly different from other cereals and is referred to as ancient gluten-free grains. They provide 8-9 grams of proteins per cooked cup. These are called pseudocereals. They contain complex carbs, iron, magnesium, and phosphorous.
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